The results show that they relate to the dipole-dipole coupling strength between two atoms and atom-field coupling constant and nonlinear coefficient of field. 结果表明,它们与原子间的偶极相互作用、原子和光场的耦合系数以及非线性耦合系数有关。
And it is noted that the precision of the adiabatic approximation is mainly dependent on the coupling constant. 并且指出了绝热近似的好坏主要由耦合常数的大小决定。
The interaction time between the atom and cavity modes are all, where is the effective atom-cavity coupling constant. 原子和每个腔模的相互作用时间均为,其中是原子和腔的有效耦合常数。
The Discussion of the Coupling Constant and Calculation of the Nucleon Resonance State Strong Decay Width When the Single Loop Vertex Correction is Taken into Consideration in the LM 在LM中计及单圈顶角修正时计算核子共振态强衰变宽度及其耦合常数探讨
The influences of the initial atomic coherence and atomic coupling constant on the squeezing are discussed. 并讨论了原子的初始相干性及原子间的耦合常数对该压缩的影响。
The squeezing property of the light in the system of two-mode squeezing vacuum field interacting with two coupling atoms in Kerr medium is studied by means of quantum theory. The influences of coupling constant x are discussed. 研究了存在克尔介质时,双模压缩真空场与耦合二能级原子相互作用系统中光场的压缩性质,讨论了克尔介质与光场的耦合强度对光场压缩特性的影响。
And these localized electronic states vary with the coupling constant A and the Hubbard e-e interaction parameter U. 这些电子态的定域程度随着电子晶格耦合参数λ及电子相互作用U的不同而变化。
We have accurately determined the coupling constant between the molecule and electrodes by using the frontier molecular orbital theory and the perturbation method. 利用分子前线轨道理论和微扰方法定量地确定了分子与金属的相互作用能参数。
The numerical solutions of the Thermal Renormalization Group equations show that the coupling constant runs with temperature. 热重整化群方程的数值解表明热标量场的耦合常数随温度跑动。
The results show that the contribution from the SO coupling of ligand ion to EPR parameters can not be neglected for ligand ion possessing large covalence and SO coupling constant such as Br-. 研究表明,对Br-这类有强共价性和大SO耦合系数的配体,其SO耦合作用对络合物EPR参量的贡献不可忽略。
The effects of the thickness, the interfacial coupling constant and the temperature on the hysteresis of the bilayer are investigated. 我们考察了薄膜厚度、界面耦合强度和温度对铁电双层薄膜电滞回线的影响。
For dilaton spacetime, the orbit type and its stability depend on the energy E 、 angular momentum b and coupling constant α. 在Dilaton时空中,能量E、角动量b和耦合常数α等参数的变化均会影响粒子的运动。
The results obtained using the numerical method show that with increasing of coupling constant between atoms and intensity of field, amplitude-squared squeezing effect is getting stronger. 用数值计算的方法,探讨了原子间耦合的强度对场振幅平方压缩效应的影响。数值计算结果表明:随原子间耦合强度和初始光场强度的增大,场的振幅平方压缩效应增强。
The interaction potential induced by the interaction of the electron-hole with the phonons is related to coupling constant and sound speed etc. 电子-空穴间通过声子作用诱生的作用势与耦合参数、声速等有关。
Using the method of the systematic state vector the field entropy of the two-mode SU ( 1,1) coherent states field interacting with four-level atom has been formulated. The influences of the initial field strength and the atom-field coupling constant on the field entropy have been investigated. 利用双模SU(1,1)相干态场与四能级原子相互作用系统的态函数导出了场熵的计算公式,研究了初始光场参量和原子与光场间的耦合系数对场熵演化的影响。
By means of the imaginary-time Green's function method, the temperature dependences of the η& meson and nucleon interaction coupling constant and one η-meson exchange potential are discussed. 本文用有限温度量子场论的虚对格林函数法讨论η介子与核子相互作用耦合常数和单η分子交换势随温度的变化。
The one-loop B.function for the weak coupling constant is calculated in the Weinberg-Salam model by using background-fleld quantization. 本文利用背景场量子化方法进行了Weinberg-Salam模型中弱耦合β函数的单圈计算。
The factors which affects coupling constant are discussed. 本文还讨论了影响耦合常数值的因素。
Influence of Hyperon Coupling Constant on the Properties of Hybrid Stars 超子耦合常数对混合星性质的影响
We consider a massless fermion interacting with the gauge field by Pauli interaction in which the coupling constant is dimensionless. 考虑无质量费米场和规范场的Pauli相互作用项的系统,在这一理论中耦合常数为无量纲量。
The excitation spectra for several glasses are measured, the phonon side-band spectra and electron-phonon coupling constant are obtained. 测量了不同组份玻璃的激发光谱,得到了各个配比玻璃样品的声子边带(PSB)谱,计算了电声子耦合常数g,讨论了g对组份的依赖关系。
Spectrum and critical coupling constant of massless thirring model 无质量Thirring模型的能谱和临界耦合常数
The expressions of parameter D in terms of Racah parameters, crystal field parameters and spin-orbit coupling constant ξ are obtained. 给出D值依赖于Racah参数、晶场参数和自旋-轨道耦合常数的表示式。
On these basic, we explore the single-particle resonant states by the analytic continuation in the coupling constant ( ACCC) method within the framework of the relativistic mean field ( RMF) theory. 在这些工作的基础上,我们将ACCC方法和RMF理论相结合(RMF-ACCC方法),研究了原子核的单粒子共振态能量、宽度。
Strong-coupled acoustic polaron via the deformation potential is investigated by means of Huybrechts ′ linear combination operater method and a simple unitary transformation. The ground energy is obtained, the relation of the ground energy and coupling constant is linear approximately. 本文采用Huybrechts的线性组合算符以及一种简单的么正变换,导出了二维晶体中通过形变势与声学声子强耦合的极化子的基态能量,发现其自陷能和耦合参数近似成线性关系。
The influences of the atom-field coupling constant and the mean photon number on the statistic properties of photon are noticeable. 平均光子数、场模与原子耦合常数的变化对光子统计性质的影响也很明显;
Moreover, the expansion ratio of scale factor and the variation ratio of string coupling constant are calculated. 另外,计算了标度因子的膨胀比和弦耦合常数的变化比。
The anti-bunching effect of the field in interaction of two coupling two-level-atoms with coherent state is studied. Using T-C model, the influence of coupling constant between atoms on anti-bunching effect of the field is studied. 利用T&C模型研究了耦合二能级原子与相干态光场相互作用系统中场的反聚束效应,讨论了原子间耦合强度对场反聚束效应的影响。
It means that with the increasing energy scale, the coupling constant becomes smaller. 它意味着随着能标的不断提高,耦合常数向更小的值靠近。
The magnetic characters of these diradical structures are represented with the magnetic exchange coupling constant ( J). 双自由基体系的磁性特征可采用磁交换耦合常数(J)来表征。